Why Tu B’Shevat Matters To Us!

What is Tu B’Shevat?

Tu B’Shevat, is often called the "Birthday” or “New Year” of the trees. Its name is the date: In Hebrew, Tu represents 15 and Shevat is the month. This year, Tu B’Shevat begins at sundown on Wednesday, February 12. It’s the first sign that spring is coming—meaning summer and camp are just around the corner!

A Story About Planting for the Future

There is a midrash, (a rabbinic story) about an old man planting a fig tree. A young person sees him and asks, “Old man, why are you planting this tree? You will never live long enough to enjoy the fruits from this tree.” The old man replied, “I plant this tree so all those who come after me will be able to enjoy its fruit, just as those who came before me planted trees from which I enjoyed.”

Why Have a Day Just for Trees?

🌳 Biblical Roots – In ancient times, tracking tree ages helped determine when fruit could be harvested or offered at the Temple. The original history and meaning of Tu B’Shevat is quite fascinating; you can learn more here.
🍇 Spiritual Significance – In the 16th century, kabbalists (mystics) in Tzfat found spiritual significance in the seeds and fruits of trees and created a Tu B’Shevat seder to help us tap into that spirituality, eating symbolic foods like almonds, olives, dates, figs, apricots, wheat, barley and pomegranates. Learn more about Tu B’Shevat seders here.
🌱 Modern Israel’s Growth – Tu B’Shevat became significant to develop the landscape of Israel. Zionist pioneers began planting trees on this holiday, turning Israel’s landscape from desert to greenery. It is still traditional on Tu B’Shevat to plant a tree in Israel. Jews now plant trees in Israel all year long, as a meaningful way to honor individuals and celebrate milestones.
🌍 A Jewish “Earth Day” – Today, Tu B’Shevat reminds us of our responsibility to care for the planet. As the Talmud teaches, Kol Yisrael arevim zeh bazeh—all of Israel is responsible for one another, now and for the future.

How Can You Celebrate Tu B’Shevat?

Plant a tree in Israel in honor of Tu B’Shevat or in honor or memory of someone special.
Host a Tu B’Shevat seder with your family. It’s easy, use this resource.
Watch a short video about Tu B’Shevat.
Take a fun Tu B’Shevat quiz with your family.
Give Tzedakah by donating to an environmental organization.
Take a nature walk and appreciate the world around you.
Share with us! Have your camper send a drawing or photo of their favorite tree or outdoor space at camp—tell us why it’s special! We may feature it in a future publication or on social media.

Why This Matters to Beber Camp

At Beber Camp, we cherish our trees, land, and lake every day. Tu B’Shevat reminds us how important it is to protect our environment so future campers can enjoy it, too. And best of all—it reminds us that spring is near, and we’ll all be back together under the trees at Beber soon!