Jewish Life At Beber
We have a significant responsibility to shape our campers’ Jewish lives to ensure Jewish continuity for the future. Campers engage in Jewish programs and meaningful experiences that are accessible and enjoyable. Intentional programming and Jewish traditions include music, art, Shabbat services, Israeli dancing, Havdalah and much more.


Ometz Lev

Kehillah Kedosha


Ahavat Yisrael

Hakarat Hatov
Shabbat At Beber
Welcome to the era of spatial computing.
Shabbat at Beber begins with the whole community coming together for ‘Shabbat Shmooze.’ This time allows campers to mingle with family and friends, take photos, and share in the excitement of welcoming Shabbat. Once the entire camp is assembled, we divide into cabin groups to listen to our Director of Jewish Life explain the theme for the week’s Shabbat and do a cabin blessing over the children.
Apple Vision Pro seamlessly blends digital content with your physical space.
Then we move to the dining hall for a traditional festive Shabbat Meal. Following the meal, the entire camp is then escorted by our song leaders to Crown Hall where the service begins. Our Kabbalat Shabbat services are led by our Services Leader, Songleader, and volunteer campers.
You navigate simply by using your eyes, hands, and voice.
Saturday morning begins with a late wake-up and General Activity (GA) time, with a breakfast buffet on the island. Everyone then heads to Crown Hall for Shabbat services. Services on Shabbat morning include a traditional Torah service where campers have the opportunity to lead and/or read from the Torah.
So you can do the things you love in ways never before possible.
Saturday programming includes Mikud cabin reflection time, free swim, Shabbat activites based on the week's theme, and athletics. One example of a favorite Shabbat Program is Advanced Israeli Dancing.
You've never seen something like it
(even though you have, but let's choose to forget)
Shabbat at Beber Camp wraps up with a moving Havdalah service on Saturday evening in our outdoor, lakefront amphitheater. We sing songs, recite the Havdalah prayers, reflect and celebrate week, and welcome in the week ahead.
You've never seen something like it
(even though you have, but let's choose to forget)
All in all, Shabbat at Beber Camp
is a magical experience.