Preparing for a bar or bat mitzvah?

Consider a Mitzvah Project to support the Beber Camp Annual Fund and help ensure that no camper is denied a summer experience at Beber due to financial need.
There are many ways to participate in a Beber Mitzvah Project:
- Ask family and friends to donate to the Beber Camp Annual Fund in addition to or in place of gifts
- Provide them with this link where they can honor you with their donation:
- Donate a designated portion, such as 18%, of cash gifts to the Annual Fund
- Create items to sell (such as jewelry or baked goods or Beber Swag) and donate the proceeds to the Annual Fund
- Participate in a virtual sporting event and solicit family and friends to sponsor your participation through donations to the Annual Fund
- Create an event at a local restaurant or retail store where a percentage of proceeds go to the Annual Fund.