Want to Be Beber Camp Famous? Celebrate Purim and Show Us Your Shpiel!
Want to become famous at Beber Camp? Here's your chance—learn how this month! But first, a little about Purim...
Chag Purim Sameach! Purim, celebrated in the Jewish month of Adar, is one of the happiest times of the year. This year, Purim falls on March 13th (Thursday evening) through March 14th (Friday). The word Purim means “lots,” referring to the lottery that determined the fate of the Jewish people in the story of Esther. Keep reading to discover how YOU can become famous at Beber Camp!

Purim celebrates the survival of the Jewish people from Haman's evil plot. It's a true, suspenseful story with a happy ending—perfect for the Jewish mantra: "They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat!" But there’s more to it. Purim teaches valuable lessons in leadership (Manhigut) and courage (Ometz Lev), core values we emphasize at Beber Camp.
In the Purim story:
- Queen Vashti displayed courage by standing up to the King.
- Mordecai inspired Queen Esther to rise as a leader.
- Even King Ahasverus showed leadership by taking action against Haman.
At Beber Camp, we encourage campers to develop courage to take risks and leadership skills to make a difference in our world.

Purim also offers four important mitzvot:
- Listening to the Megillah – Attend services or hear the Purim story (and be loud!).
- Enjoying a festive meal (Seudah) – Eat, drink, and be merry. Learn more here.
- Giving to the poor (Matanot L'evyonim) – Help those in need to ensure everyone can celebrate.
- Exchanging gifts (Mishloach Manot) – Share two different edible items with others to spread joy.
Other fun ways to celebrate:
- Make Hamantaschen – A tasty treat to share. Try these recipes.
- Discuss the Beber core values as they apply to Purim – Can you spot all five in the story?
- Pick a character in the Purim story to discuss – What does that character mean to you?
- And finally, HERE’S HOW YOU CAN BECOME FAMOUS: Create a Purim Shpiel – Dress up and send a video of your skit to Stacy@bebercamp.com! We’ll post it on our social media for a chance to become famous at Beber Camp! Need ideas? Check out these Top 10 Purim Shpiels.
We wish you all a Happy Purim! Chag Purim Sameach!