Turning Your Words Into Gold - Community Care Corner

Turning Your Words Into Gold - Love and Logic Logo

Image Credit: Love and Logic

In November, we introduced Love and Logic, the behavior management philosophy we use at Beber Camp. We highlighted the Love and Logic skill of the empathic response. This month’s skill is about turning your words into gold, also known as using enforceable statements. At camp, we believe that telling campers what to do invites rebellion, stubbornness and lack of cooperation. We know that we cannot control what others do; we can only control what we will do. Below you will see some examples of ineffective techniques and enforceable statement techniques. We find that the Love and Logic technique of using enforceable statements helps us gain cooperation, support, and respect from our campers. For more information about Love and Logic, please visit loveandlogic.com. You will find free advice and articles here.Ineffective StatementsLove and Logic Enforceable StatementsEveryone sit down so we can say HamotziWe will say Hamotzi and start eating once everyone is quiet. Please be quiet. David was talking; you need to wait.I'll be glad to listen to you as soon as David is done talking to me.Stop talking so we can pass out the hobby evaluations. I will pass out the hobby evaluations when everyone is quiet and looking at me.Quiet Down so we can dismiss everyone for GA.It’s your GA time. I will wait to dismiss you when you are quiet.Don't shout at me. I listen to people who do not yell at me. Brush Your TeethI will start flashlight time as soon as everyone is in bed with their teeth brushed.Stop yelling.I'll listen as soon as your voice is as calm as mine. You need to show some respect.I'll be glad to talk with you when I feel you are being respectful to me.