The Importance of Manhigut: Developing Strong Leadership Skills at Beber Camp

Manhigut - Cabin Photo

At Beber Camp, a deep-seated Jewish culture underpins our pride and shapes our community. Each month, we have been exploring the essence of one of our values. This month, we focus on Manhigut (leadership).Leadership is an essential attribute that we actively cultivate among our staff and campers. We recognize that the younger generation’s ability to lead effectively will play a vital role in the future of the Jewish people and the global community. By developing leadership skills in our campers, we aim to breed a new generation of self-assured, competent leaders committed to enhancing themselves, their Jewish communities, and their larger national and global communities.

Nurturing Leadership Skills in Our Campers

We approach Manhigut development in our campers with a multifaceted approach. Our programming, relationship-building, and role-modeling are all designed to create an atmosphere that fosters leadership growth in our campers. We aspire to provide a safe space where they feel secure to lead others, share their ideas, and take risks.

Standing Up for Beliefs

Leaders of good standing believe in their convictions and are not afraid to stand up for them. We cultivate Ometz Lev (courage) in our campers to encourage them to express their opinions and defend their beliefs. Our programming offers opportunities for campers to lead activities, speak in public, and take on responsibilities.

Manhigut - Flagpole

Learning from Others

Leadership’s crucial aspect is learning from others. We give our campers an opportunity to learn from their peers and staff members. Our staff serves as positive role models, displaying the traits of strong and empathetic leaders.

Taking Responsibility for Actions

We believe taking accountability for one’s actions is essential in leadership. We encourage our campers to take responsibility for their mistakes, and we hold them accountable for their actions. This process instills values of honesty, accountability, and self-improvement.

Teen Leadership Program (TLP)

Our TLP focuses on developing the leadership skills of our older campers. This program offers leadership roles within the camp community, providing invaluable experience for leading others and learning from peers.

Developing Leadership Skills in Our Staff

Manhigut - Kid Being Celebrated

We recognize the significance of developing leadership skills in our staff members. Our training program includes workshops and sessions that focus on leadership development. We offer staff members opportunities to take on leadership roles within the camp community, allowing them to gain practical experience that they can apply in their future careers.

Looking Ahead

We aim to develop the next generation of Jewish leaders at Beber Camp. By instilling the value of Manhigut (leadership) in our campers and staff, we believe we can create a better world for all. Next month, we will reveal one of the ways we help our staff members develop their leadership skills. Stay tuned!