Saying "Yes" - Community Care Corner

Today is a quick teaching from our Love & Logic series but one we think is so important... Saying "yes."Children hear the word “no” all the time. At Beber Camp, we believe in saying YES whenever we can. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of twisting words to sound positive and avoid saying the word “no.” So, whenever a camper asks us something, we look to find a way to answer with a YES. For example, if a camper asks if they are getting canteen today, the counselor might respond with “Yes, we are getting canteen tomorrow.” It may sound silly to you, but the reality is that the less often campers hear no, the better the relationship will be with the camper and staff. We ask our staff to just think first before they say “no.” Can they find a way to make their response start with a “Yes,” and avoid the word “no?”