Director's Corner - Tuesday, August 6
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
In Summer
Bees'll buzz
Kids'll blow dandelion fuzz
And I'll be doing whatever snow does in summer
A drink in my hand
My snow up against the burning sand
Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned in summer
I'll finally see a summer breeze, blow away a winter storm
And find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm!
And I can't wait to see
What my buddies all think of me
Just imagine how much cooler I'll be in summer
Time seems to be flying by, and here I am at my desk, reflecting on another amazing day at camp. We're gearing up for the final days of second session, with our operations team working tirelessly behind the scenes to manage camper departures and prepare for the end of the summer. I’m really proud of Julia Bessen in her first year as Operations Director. There are a lot of moving parts, especially when it comes to moving over 300 campers back and forth to camp. Her attention to detail, passion for customer service, and energy are admirable. Thank you Julia!

My days are filled with laughter, smiles, and cherished moments with campers—I'm reluctant for it all to end. Witnessing the tremendous growth in our campers has been incredible, I'm certain their time here has significantly benefited their mental and social well-being. I eagerly await their return home on Friday, excited for you to hear all their stories.
I'd like to also acknowledge our housekeeping and maintenance teams who work diligently throughout the day—cleaning, fixing, plunging, mowing, and ensuring everything runs smoothly, often without recognition. Today, they hung plaques in Crown Hall, preserving Maccabiah memories and cleaned up the grounds ensuring our camp looks its best. We even have a Beber tooth fairy named Cuspida, secretly preparing letters and treats for campers who've lost teeth.
Campers spent today immersed in their favorite hobbies—completing art projects, enjoying water sports on Lake Beulah, and playing basketball and tennis. I was able to play a little 3 on 3 basketball! Campers’ enthusiasm for these final days is palpable, as they balance excitement for homecoming with sadness over leaving. It reminds me of Stacy Greenberg's book "NERVCITED," capturing the mix of emotions campers feel about camp. Perhaps a sequel, "Sad and Excited," is due.
During GA today we had our All Star Baseball game. Campers from this session's baseball hobbies were selected as all stars, given shirts and played a rousing game of baseball. Shout out to Chuck for elevating this program and creating a culture of love for this sport.
Tonight, our campers staged the debut of "Frozen Jr.," a culmination of weeks spent rehearsing, building sets, and mastering roles. It was a triumph, especially for campers who overcame homesickness to shine on stage. Their joy in performing for a live audience was infectious. Campers showcased so much talent and the audience was captivated. Our musical director Pat celebrated his twelfth show here at Beber and his attention to detail and evoking the most from our campers is truly impressive. There is so much value in the ability to get these campers on stage in front of a live audience of their peers. It teaches them confidence, poise, and gives them strength to face their fears. We often talk about pivoting here at Beber camp in order to deliver successful programs when plans change most often due to weather. Pat and his team pivoted today when a last minute substitution was needed in the cast. The willingness of staff and campers to step up when needed really speaks to this special community. We laughed, cheered and even sang along to our favorite numbers tonight. The cast and crew of Frozen Jr. earned that spotlight tonight! I am so incredibly proud of them all! Tomorrow, they'll celebrate with a cast party, Beber style!

Tomorrow concludes our regular programming. My wish for our campers is simple: carry home cherished memories, new skills, and lifelong friendships.
Breakfast: Eggs, Hashbrowns and toast
Lunch: Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Dinner: Taco Bar
In closing, I am filled with pride at getting to share in the growth and development of our campers this session. In Frozen, Elsa learns to embrace her unique abilities despite the obstacles she faces. Similarly, our campers discover their strengths and learn to tackle new challenges, whether it’s mastering a new skill or stepping out of their comfort zones. The support and encouragement they receive from their camp family make all the difference. I hope that they bottle up all of these memories and carry them through their lives, because we have had such a great experience here at Beber “In Summer!”
P.S. Congratulations to the following who knew that Luther Vandross sang "Here and Now.”
Amy L
Brian B
P.S. - Today’s question: What actor sang the song "In Summer?” Email your answer to for a shoutout in tomorrow’s blog!