Director's Corner - July 6, 2024
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Go The Distance
I will find my way
I can go the distance
I'll be there someday
If I can be strong
I know every mile
Will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere to feel like I
Today was the perfect day! With temperatures in the high 80’s and sunshine all day it created the perfect backdrop for our final Shabbat.
At morning GA, campers could be seen all over playing games with friends, hanging out in the hammock park relaxed and having fun as a leisurely start to the day, followed by breakfast on the Island. I was able to play some pickleball and Baggo! What a great start to the morning.
This morning at services, campers continued to impress me with their leadership in services and the sound of over 400 people singing the prayers all together in one space filled me with tremendous joy. Saturday Torah Live, led by our CIT’s once again captivated the camp audience with their unique take on this Shabbat’s Torah portion.
After a moving and beautiful service we gathered in our Mishpaha groups to reflect on our theme of leadership. Having began our Mishpaha program in the first week, spending time together during Maccabiah and now during Mikud, our camp families are able to solidify their bonds that hopefully will transcend into summers to come. I was able to spend with Mikud with the CITs and we talked about their meaningful experience in Colorado.

In Shabbat programming this afternoon, Ramot brought back the Shabboptions idea created many summers ago where campers get to choose their activity for that rotation based on the Shabbat theme. This week they got to choose from some really great activities like Parsha watercolor painting, a Trail of Leadership nature walk, Visionary Vinyasa: Yoga, Leading and Beading, and Boxing for Bold Leaders. Campers really dove right into these activities and being able to customize their experience made for a very meaningful program for everyone.
Kesher played a camp adapted game of Headbands where they wore bands with different Beber Camp leadership staff members on them and they in turn had to figure out based on clues and questioning, which leadership member they were representing. Makor campers worked in Arts and Crafts to create leadership crests which are now proudly displayed in the dining hall for all to see and admire.
PIOs spent their shabbat program time viewing a Promises Documentary and having a really great group discussion. THe CITs began to transition into their counselor roles by spending the day with a specific cabin group as a counselor shadow.
All campers enjoyed some time at the pool and a rousing game of kickball for their Maccabi Games period.
The night was beautiful and emotional as we sang “Bless This House '' one last time in the Amphitheater. There is a feeling that time here is coming to an end and that we should savor the moments and bottle them up to carry us through until the next time we get back together on the shores of Lake Beulah.
Tomorrow will be an exciting day as we head to the Bristol Renaissance Faire for some fun. I cannot wait to tell you about all of the fun we'll have there tomorrow.
P.S. Congratulations to those who knew that Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros wrote “Home!”
Amy B
Who sang the song “Go The Distance?” For bonus, what movie is it from? Email your answer to for a shoutout in tomorrow’s blog!